du 28 janvier 2020
Tasos Stamou : #4 (Marches of the broken
hearts LP, Orila 2014)
Angel Bat Dawid : Impepho (The oracle LP,
International Anthem Recording Company 2019)
Spaza : Magwinya, mangola newhite
liver (s/t LP, Mushroom Hour Half Hour 2019)
Xin : Black light, blind fire (To shock the sky and shake
the earth LP, Subtext 2018)
1127 : اوديو تراك (V/A Kombile 002, Hizz 2019)
Jonnine : I don't seem myself
tonight (Super natural EP, Good Morning Tapes 2019)
Tamara Goukassova : Not yet the last
(dedicated to M. Hollis) (V/A Boîte noire vol. 1, Coco Airlines 2019)
Alameda 5 : Birds of
passage (Eurodrome LP, Instant Classic 2019)
Ela Orleans : The season (Movies
for ears, an introduction to Ela Orleans LP, Parental Guidance / Night School
2016 / 2019)
Coil : The original wild garlic memory (Stolen and
contaminated songs LP, Threshold House / Cold Spring 1992 + 2019)
Slip 2018)
Rothko : Forever never alone
(Refuge for abandoned souls LP, Trace Recordings 2019)
Maria W Horn : Epistasis (Epistasis LP, Hallow
Ground 2019)
Clara Engel : Metamorphosis (Where a city once
drowned - The Bethlehem tapes vol. II LP, Autoprod 2019)
Razen : The night receptionist pt.
II (The night receptionist LP, Meakusma 2018)
Shasta Cults : Hazel
1 (Configurations LP, Important Records 2019)
Al-Mutreb Abul-Loul : Ladyyyyy 2020 (V/A
Kombile 002, Hizz 2019)
Animal Collective : Selection of a place (rio
negro version) (Meeting of the waters LP, Domino 2017)
Madteo : The lies that
bind (Dropped out sunshine LP, DDS 2019)
Recou Futur : A tuesday in Älö (Køb-K LP, Lost
Dogs Entertainment 2018)
Rafael Anton Irisarri : Black
pitch (Solastalgia LP, Room40 2019)
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